Technology Slowly Integrating into everything in our lives

Ever since the silicon chip was invented, new amazing forms of technology have been implemented into our lives very quickly. Computers have been established as one of the most important and useful resources of our time. You can get computers in many different forms nowdays; desktops, laptops, mini-laptops, handheld computers and newest forms, phones. We can carry our computers everywhere we go. How else could they be integrated?

Microsoft Coffee Table – Yes they’re going farther. Microsoft is now developing a new table that the entire surface is a multitouch screen. The screen itself will be able to respond to certain cameras that allow pictures to be transferred wirelessly – just by setting the camera down onto the tables surface. If you set down your glass of water on the table, the table also recognizes that you set a drink on the surface and the table will respond according to the settings. They plan to have these available to the public within the next 3 years.

~ by mckkyl on February 23, 2009.

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